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Avoiding Weapons Charges Through Responsible Gun Ownership

 Posted on December 06,2017 in Uncategorized

We frequently use this space to discuss the various nuances of gun laws in Illinois. On more than one occasion, we have presented information pertaining to the incidents of criminal gun violence in the state, the requirements for obtaining a Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID), and even the procedure for obtaining a Concealed Carry Permit. However, even those who follow proper procedures and obtain firearms legally are subject to criminal gun charges and prosecution for irresponsible handling and accidental discharge of a firearm.

Do Accidents Happen?

Even the safest and most law-abiding and well-intentioned gun owner can end up defending himself against some type of weapons charge. However, what happens most frequently is that a gun owner acting irresponsibly fires their weapon and draws the attention of law enforcement officials. While the right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, and laws exist in Illinois to enable lawful ownership of guns, public safety is an overriding concern.

A misdemeanor charge of reckless conduct was recently levied against an Illinois judge who is alleged to have fired a gun in his apartment, resulting in a bullet penetrating the wall and entering the neighboring unit. Even though the neighbor was not at home at the time, and no one was injured, the alleged offender will appear in court next year.

Firing a weapon in public , especially while intoxicated in a heavily populated location, will most certainly result in criminal charges. This type of situation recently resulted in a gun owner being charged with reckless discharge of a gun and unlawful use of a weapon. This example might more closely fall under the category of irresponsible behavior, rather than an accidental discharge.

In some cases, gun owners accidentally wound themselves, whether by mishandling their weapon or in the course of cleaning it. Because healthcare professionals know the indicators of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, lying about such an incident will almost certainly result in a police investigation.

Build Your Defense with a Knowledgeable Joliet Weapons Charges Lawyer

Whether you discharge your legally owned gun in self-defense or due to some accidental mishap, it is possible that law enforcement officials will investigate the incident to determine if charges are warranted. Even before you are charged, it is a good idea to discuss the situation with an experienced Will County gun charges defense lawyer. The Law Offices of Jack L. Zaremba, P.C. provides clients with years of experience that aids in presenting a strong defense. Call 815-740-4025 to schedule a free consultation, during which time you can get answers to all your questions.

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